Column: Ex-FBI Official Paid $20,000 to Probe Miami Police Dept.; Was it Worth it?

By Fred Grimm
The Miami Herald

Paul Philip may have been a dandy FBI agent back in the day. But as an author, his five-page thesis on the Miami Police Department delivered last week – for $4,000 a page – was an affront to us hack writers everywhere.

Philip spent four months researching the travails of a police department awash in controversy, with a string of fatal shootings and the attendant community controversy, with a chief feuding with the mayor, the state attorney and a city commissioner, with questionable promotions, with cops busted for corruption, with department morale ebbing.

It wasn’t like Philip lacked scintillating material for his piece.

Or the motivation – 20 grand, as any drooling freelancer could have told him, ain’t nothing. But apparently Philip suffered an acute case of writer’s block.

To read more click here.


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