FBI Contacts NYPD About Murdoch Scandal

Bye Bye N.Y.?
By Allan Lengel

The signs of spillage from the Rupert Murdoch scandal are popping up in New York City.

The Wall Street Journal’s Devlin Barrett and Sean Gardner report that the FBI has contacted the New York cops and the FBI’s own victims’ assistance office as part of a probe into whether Murdoch’s News Corp. employees tried hacking into voice mails of Sept. 11 victims.

The Journal cited “people familiar with the case.”

The paper reported that the FBI inquiry comes in wake of a report by the Daily Mirror that an unidentified New York cop claimed he was offered money by a News of the World

reporter for private phone details of 9/11 victims.

Paul Browne, a NYPD spokesman, confirmed that his department made formal inquiries into the case, and the FBI had contacted NYPD.

But he said to date the police department had to substantiate the allegations.

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