Column: Cutting Pension No Way to Reward FBI Agents for Their Dedication and Service

Konrad Motyka is president of the FBI Agents Association

Konrad Motyka/ photo
By Konrad Motyka
Huffington Post

As the debate over how to cut federal spending rages in Washington, one idea that will no doubt be raised again as Congress looks for further cuts is a change to the formula by which federal employees contribute to their defined pension plans. It’s important for Congress to understand that this proposal would have national security implications as changes to federal employee pensions will impact FBI Agents and other federal law enforcement officers.

For some, attacking “faceless bureaucrats” in the debate over spending cuts offers an easy sound-bite and generates little opposition. However, when federal employee pensions are targeted, this impacts FBI Agents and other federal law enforcement officers who put their lives on the line each and every day.

Under some proposals, Agents would face more than a fourfold increase in required pension contributions. This translates into a potential 5% cut in pay.

For the majority of FBI Agents, the proposed increase in pension contributions would compound the two-year pay freeze already imposed by President Obama in 2010. All federal law enforcement officers already contribute more of their salaries to their pensions than do other federal employees.

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