Justice Dept. Blocking Family of Slain Border Agent From Being Listed as Crime Victims

One thought on “Justice Dept. Blocking Family of Slain Border Agent From Being Listed as Crime Victims

  1. There’s probably a crappy explanation from the USAO, but there is NO evidnce, ZERO, that the decision came anywhere NEAR the president. What’s disturbing is that Faux News brings Obama intio every issue like this, in their capacityc as the propaganda arm of the Republican Party. One thing has nothing to do with the other; there are probably 10,000 decisions made every day by the 90+ US Attorneys Offices across the country which never even get to the Justice Dept., much less the White House. The story told by Faux News is terrible; the telling in an ill-concealed political manner is equally reprehensible. Even Faux’s “expert,” Kendall Coffee blames the USAO, not Justice and certainly not the president.

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