DEA Rejects License for Mass. Prof to Grow Pot for Research

By Danny Fenster

Despite the president’s promise to place science above politics, the DEA issued a final order rejecting a license for a University of Massachusetts, Amherst professor to grow marijuana for federally regulated research.

Just over a decade ago, in June of 2001, Professor Lyle Craker, 70, applied for the license in an effort to “bridge the gap between the 16 states that have legalized medical marijuana through political initiatives and federal policymakers who maintain that there is not enough FDA-regulated research to justify legal access,” according to a press release.

DEA Administrative Law Judge Mary Ellen Bittner recommended the license would be in the public interest on Feb. 12, 2007.

On Jan. 14, 2009, DEA Administrator Michelle Leonhart rejected the recommendation. Prof. Craker’s lawyers filed a series of objections; the DEA’s recent rejection was a final order denial. Prof. Craker may appeal in the First Court US Court of Appeals.

A press release from the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studiespress, which was funding the professor’s study, stated:

“According to the DEA’s interpretation of the Single Convention, there can be only one legal provider of marijuana for research in the United States, and this role is presently filled by NIDA. ALJ Bittner’s 2007 recommendation, however, concluded that the DEA’s interpretation was flawed. Four other co-signors to the Single Convention—England, Canada, Israel, and the Netherlands—permit the private production of marijuana for research.”

One thought on “DEA Rejects License for Mass. Prof to Grow Pot for Research

  1. Let’s see,, Michelle Leonhart,, a progressive thinker, or drug reactionary ? Meanwhile her DEA cannot do squat against the Mexican cartels who are flooding our country with cocaine and heroin, and cannot seem to be able to bust very many American users. Anyone who has studied the marijuana issue with an open and intelligent mind should be able to see that 1) mature adults and professionals have smoked regularly for years,2) the prohibition of marijuana only fuels underground criminal enterprises 3) wasting federal tax dollars and efforts on domestic marijuana activity is not wise or productive. Come on Obama,, THIS is the change we can believe in ? Meanwhile the drug companies flood the markets with highly dangerous narcotics and benzo type drugs that are filling our emergency rooms everyday with deaths and overdoses. Someone please go up to D.C. and drag this DEA chief into the 21st century.

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