FBI Dir. Mueller Says Agency Has More than Doubled Agents and Analysts for National Security

Robert Mueller/file fbi photo
By Allan Lengel

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III told a Congressional committee in Washington on Thursday morning that the FBI’s commitment on intelligence gathering and counterterrorism can be found in the numbers.

Appearing before the House Permanent Select Committee Intelligence, Mueller noted that since 9/11 the agency has more than doubled the number of agents and analysts assigned to its national security mission.

He said the number of agents has gone from 2,514 agents to 4,815 agents and analysts went from 1,023 to 3,118.

He also testified that the number of Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTFs) has jumped from 35 in 2001 to 104 today.

“Each of the FBI’s 56 Field Offices has a Field Intelligence Group (FIG) composed of Intelligence Analysts, Special Agents, and Staff Operations Specialists (SOS),” he testified. “FIGs, which did not exist prior to 2001, now have 1,662 Intelligence Analysts, 451 Special Agents, and 415 SOSs.”

To read his full statement click here.

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