Expect in coming days the to see some reviews on the upcoming move “J Edgar”. Some folks got a sneak preview of the film this week that opens nationwide on Nov. 11, and Nov. 9 in selected cities.
Yes, in the movie, Hoover kisses his trusted sidekick Clyde Tolson and yes, Hoover even pops on a dress.
Here’s a review that appears on the “Speakeasy” webpage of the Wall Street Journal:
“The movie was a mixed bag, showcasing J. Edgar Hoover’s seminal role as the dude that brought the FBI to life. But on the flip side, a conundrum – a man completely dedicated to his career, let alone the betterment of his country, without a personal life, yet striving to connect with those closest to him. These include his mother (Judi Dench), his secretary (Naomi Watts) and his 2nd in command, not to mention his ‘closest’ friend (left to interpretation) Clyde Tolson (Armie Hammer). The good thing about the film is that it leaves the relationship ambiguous. There is a genuine love and respect between the characters of J. Edgar and Clyde, but Eastwood tap-dances around just what that may be.”
“To recap (without spoilers): Okay. Leo does put on a dress. That doesn’t make him Ed Wood. He does kiss Hammer. Does that make him gay? Maybe. But realistically, does it matter? This is the guy who managed to expand our fingerprinting system and better equip us to divide the guilty from the innocent. Hammer (aka, the duo known as Winklevoss in “The Social Network”) said this of kissing Leo vs. Lily Collins in the upcoming Tarsem-directed “Snow White”: “The kiss with Leo was a lot messier because there was blood and glass involved.” Sounds a little “Twilight”-ish. Hammer shrugged and said , “NEVER.”