Defense for Suspected Terrorist Seeks Bail, Claims Mental Illness

By Danny Fenster

When in doubt, play the crazy card.

A lawyer for Rezwan Ferdaus, the 26-year-old Muslim American arrested in September for plotting to fly explosive-packed remote control planes into the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol, suggested in court on Friday that the FBI ignored signs of the defendant’s mental illness during their investigation of him, reports the AP.

The suggestion was made at Ferdaus’ bail hearing. Ferdaus, as has reported, faces charges inluding attempting to provide material support to terrorists and attempting to damage and destroy national defense premises.

Ferdaus, who has a physics degree from Boston’s Northeastern University,  was arrested  in Framingham, Mass. when federal employees posing as al-Qaida members brought what he thought was 24 pounds of C-4 explosives. Ferdaus had also showed feds a cellphone he had fashioned into a detonation device.

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