Suspected White House Shooter Thought Obama Was the Antichrist

By Allan Lengel

It may not have been the brightest of assassination plots considering President Obama wasn’t even in town when Oscar Ramiro Oretego-Hernandez allegedly fired at the White House.

Nonetheless, authorities believe the intent to kill Obama was there. He’s been charged with attempting to assassinate the president.

CBS News reports that a witnesses told the FBI he had become increasingly angry with the government and Obama, who he considered the antichrist who needed to be killed.

The FBI found a semi-automatic assault rifle in his car along with three loaded magazines, nine spent shells, several extra boxes of cartridges, an aluminum baseball bat, brass knuckles and a sales receipt for purchases made at a WalMart in Fairfax, Va. just four and a half hours before the shooting, CBS News reported.

Authorities confirmed several gun shots on the south side of the White House, CBS reported.

Read criminal complaint


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