Amish Raid in Hate Crimes Turns Up Marijuana Seeds, Cocaine

By Danny Fenster

The Amish beard-cutting saga grows stranger and stranger. Talking Points Memo now reports that, along with scissors and clippers, federal agents also found evidence of marijuana and cocaine during a raid on the compound of the beard-cutting suspects.

As previously reported, the FBI investigated possible hate crimes among the Amish community when members of a breakaway sect began cutting the beards of mainstream Amish in eastern Ohio.

During a Wednesday bail hearing prosecutors also introduced video evidence of drug use, sex and information related to the beard-cutting attacks, according to TPM.

The raid was conducted on the breakaway Bergholz Clan and led to the arrest of the Clan’s leader Sam Mullet and six others, all charged with violating the Hate Crimes Prevention Act. Police found Mullet giving sex counseling to the wife of a fellow Bergholz member, found marijuana seeds in the home and cocaine in the barn.

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