A DEA Agent may have his gun and ammo taken away from him after being arrested on domestic violence charges in Foster City, Calif., reports the Lagonian.
Jay Anderson, a 29-year-old special agent with the DEA, was arrested on October 8 but will not face prosecution for the charges. He faced felony domestic violence and false imprisonment charges, but the District Attorney for San Mateo cited insufficient evidence in deciding to press charges, said District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe, the paper reported.
Still, the Foster City Police Department filed a Dec. 1 petition to keep and destroy one of Anderson’s two guns because returning the items “would be likely to result in endangering the victim or the person reporting the assault or threat,” according to the petition, the paper reported. His other gun was not cited in the petition.
Anderson was at a wedding at a local recreation center on Oct. 7 when he got into a fight with his girlfriend, according to a police report, when a man called police to report a physical altercation between a man and a woman shortly after midnight. The responding officer wrote in the incident that Anderson had “forcibly grabbed the female victim on both of her shoulders then intermittently shoved the victim’s chest, causing her to slump down into the area between the driver’s seat and the driver’s door panel.”
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