Ex-Secret Service Agent Reflects on Time in Agency

President Bush
This story as told by Edmund Skrodzki, ex-Secret Service and current executive director of campus safety and security at The Johns Hopkins University Homewood campus.
Baltimore Magazine

There’s never a typical day with the Secret Service. One day you can be doing an investigation, and the next day they send you out to be part of a protection detail for a foreign dignitary—or, you travel with the President.

In 1990, I was assigned to George Herbert Walker Bush. The President’s protected 24-7. You work shift work and rotate every two weeks. You are either with the President or you’re on an advanced team setting up security arrangements. You’re gone a minimum of 50 percent of your time because the President travels. Somebody’s got to be with him. I’ve traveled the world at least twice probably.

You really don’t speak to the President unless he speaks to you. Both George Herbert Walker Bush and Bill Clinton were very outgoing and liked to communicate, so it wasn’t unusual to have conversations with them.

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