FBI Seeking Five Members of Cartel-Like Gang in San Diego

By Danny Fenster

Five members of the cartel-like Los Palillos gang, a blight on life in San Diego, remain at large while the FBI continues searching for them, reports 10 News.

“It’s as if a group of serial killers moved from Tijuana into San Diego and started murdering citizens here,” deputy district attorney Mark Amador said of the group, who are said to be responsible for a kidnapping and killing spree across San Diego county, according to the station.

A Los Palillos member was seen on surveillance cameras casing a wealthy entrepreneur’s home in area in 2009; just days later, the homeowner was kidnapped and held hostage. FBI swat tracked down the hostage holders, apprehending six, but the others got away.

“We believe some of these members are down in Mexico but it doesn’t preclude them from traveling around Mexico or possibly up here,” said FBI special agent Darrell Foxworth, the station reported.

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