U.S. Atty. Fitzgerald Avoids Controversy at College Commencement Speech

Some people were probably expecting a little jab at Gov. Blagojevich during his speech. But U.S. Atty. Patrick Fitgerald didn’t throw any punches.

PEORIA, Ill. – U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald’s 9-minute commencement address at Bradley University on Saturday may be most notable for what it didn’t mention: There weren’t any juicy new details about the corruption case he’s brought against Gov. Rod Blagojevich.
Delivering the midyear commencement address at the central Illinois school, Fitzgerald urged graduates not to turn their backs on the opportunity to work in public service.
“You will not be making a sacrifice. You will be making the smartest decision you ever made,” said Fitzgerald, who was also awarded an honorary doctorate in Humane Letters.
But Fitzgerald made no mention of the charges he brought against the Democratic governor earlier this month, charges that shook the Illinois political establishment and put the state in the national spotlight.
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