Ex-Secret Service Agent Wins Republican Primary for U.S. Senate Seat

Daniel Bongino
By Allan Lengel

Ex-U.S. Secret Service agent Daniel Bongino was triumphant Tuesday, winning the Republican Maryland primary for  U.S. Senate, the Associated Press reported.

He will now square off in November against incumbent Democrat Benjamin Cardin in what’s expected to be an uphill battle.

Bongino has been campaigning on the need to reduce tax rates and simplify the tax code, AP reported.

Bongino, who worked as a New York cop for four years before joining the Secret Service in 1999, resigned last year from the Baltimore field office.

Bongino told ticklethewire.com in an interview last June that he would focus on the education and the economy in his campaign.

“You can’t have a solid economy without a solid educational system,” he said.

He said his years as a Secret Service agent, which included presidential protective details and wide-scale fraud investigations, has helped groom him for his latest venture.

He said the Secret Service has given him great leadership skills.

“Having someone’s life in your hands with that kind of profile, there is really no greater responsibility in law enforcement,” he said.

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