Ex-FBI Agent Sentenced to 1 Year-1Day for Lying About Helping Informant He Had An Affair With

By Allan Lengel

It’s prison time for former FBI agent Adrian Busby.

The New York Post reports that Busby was sentenced Monday in fed court in Manhattan to one year and one day in prison for leaking secret documents to help an informant who was also his lover.

“Your life is now pretty much ruined, at least in terms of any law enforcement job,” said Judge Harold Baer, according to the Post.

After the sentencing Busby said, according to the Post:  “I screwed up and I regret it, but I do not think I abused my power. I got permission every step of the way,” said Busby, who is no longer with his wife and has three children with health issues. “It’s a nightmare. I’m not going to be able to get another job. How am I supposed to support my family?”

It all began in 2008 when Busby, who was investigating mortgage fraud, started using a female real estate loan officer as a confidential source. He also began having an affair with her.

On Feb. 5, 2008, the source was arrested and subsequently prosecuted by the Queens County District Attorney’s Office for identity theft and related charges.

Authorities charged that Busby “actively assisted with her criminal defense, met with her attorneys on multiple occasions, and during trial “provided her defense attorney with confidential, law enforcement reports…related to her case….in violation of FBI regulations.”

In December 2009, she was convicted.

Beginning in January 2008, authorities said Busby made numerous false statements regarding the things he did to assist her in the trial.



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