Terrorism and the American Dream: Part III


Karim Koubriti/photo Millard Berry-Deadline Detroit

The final of three installments on an immigrant who was wrongly convicted of terrorism in Detroit and how he went on to live the American dream.

In case you missed the first two articles of this series, you can find those here,

By Allan Lengel
Deadline Detroit

DETROIT — Once free, Karim Koubriti tried to reconnect with normalcy.

He’d spent three years behind bars after being wrongly accused of being part of a Detroit terrorist sleeper cell, then another 15 months in a halfway house while prosecutors figured out how to address a charge of insurance fraud.

Authorities eventually dropped the fraud charge, but the clean slate didn’t necessarily mean easy sailing. For a while, he couldn’t find a job. People would say, “Oh, you’re that guy,” a reference to the terrorist accusations.

“I had a hard time getting a job. It was difficult in the beginning until things calmed down,” he said.

To read the full story click here.


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