Republican Congressmen Demand Whitehouse be Included in Leak Investigation

Rep. Peter King/gov photo
Shoshanna Utchenik

Could White House officials have accidentally leaked news that tripped up a Western intelligence operation targeting Al Qaeda’s affiliate in Yemen?

Two Republican congressional leaders want the formal FBI inquiry to answer that question, reports Reuters.

Monday, Rep Peter King, chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, sent a letter to FBI Director Mueller requesting that the FBI investigation of alleged leaks cover the White House, including the National Security staff. Later, Reuters says Sen. Saxby Chambliss, vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, sent Mueller a fax seconding that request.

These questions were triggered by last week’s Reuters story which brought a potential White House slip-up to light. In response, the White House has strongly denied that sensitive information was leaked stating, “No one is more upset than us about this disclosure, and we support efforts to prevent leaks like this which harm our national security.”

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