Chicago U.S. Atty. Pat Fitzgerald Resigning

By Allan Lengel

Patrick Fiztgerald, the Chicago U.S. Attorney who was considered a rock star among fed prosecutors, and who went after Scooter Libby in Washington and Rod Blagojevich closer to home, is resigning.

His office issued a press release on Wednesday saying he was resigning on June 30 and had no immediate employment plans and will take time off for the summer.

Fitzgerald, who was first appointed to the post in 2001, is the longest serving U.S. Attorney in Chicago.

“When I was selected for this position in 2001, I said that it was one of the greatest opportunities that one could ever hope for, and I believe that even more now after having the privilege of working alongside hundreds of dedicated prosecutors and agents. I have tried not to get in their way.

“I extend my deepest appreciation to the attorneys and staff for their determined commitment to public service. This was a great office when I arrived, and I have no doubt that it will continue to be a great office.”


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