FBI Cracks Nut in Illinois Bank Heist: Cuts Trapped Robber Free From Duct

Shoshanna Utchenik

Bank robber Charles Estell, 38, of Illinois, spent the night trapped in a duct before police cut him free and arrested him, reports CBS News.

Estell must have watched all the right movies to help plan his weekend bank heist. Problem is, he was more Charlie Chaplin than Sean Connery in his execution.

The FBI alleges that Estell dropped into the suburban Chicago bank through the roof Saturday by cutting through 6 inches of concrete, says CBS. He then tied up bank employees at gun point, and stuffed his backpack with 100,000 bucks.

He then ran to a roof of a neighboring office building, broke a window and cut his hand. Investigators spent hours looking for the aspiring 007, who  left  trail drops of blood.

The thief, wearing a wig of dreadlocks, had stuffed himself into a tight duct and become immobilized.

Michael Kaufmann, division chief of the Oak Lawn Police, notes Estell was lucky to get caught, “because if they’d never found him, he could’ve died in there.”

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