Column: Ex-FBI Official Skeptical of Media and Whether Patraeus Probe Will Remain Bi-Partisan

Anthony Riggio is a former lawyer who went on to work for the FBI for 24 years. He held a number of posts during that time including assistant special agent in charge of the Detroit office. He retired in 1995 as a senior executive at FBI headquarters. His column is in response to a newsletter that said: “It will be interesting to see how much legs this Gen. Patraeus scandal has. Hopefully, it will remain a bi-partisan concern. If not, it will just turn into another ugly partisan-bashing fest inside the Beltway, something the country doesn’t need.” 
Tony Riggio
By Anthony Riggio
I am afraid that if the media doesn’t keep it alive it may never develop “legs”.
Based on past performance, vis a vie this president, I have little faith in our media. This, in my humble opinion is perhaps bigger than Watergate because of all the players involved. But unlike Nixon, Obama is not a Republican.

So I ask:  Do all the people have a “right to know” or do only the “liberal half”?

As far as bi-partisanship goes, I, for one, am not holding my breath.

If the media, in this situation, does not do its job, the Congress will!  Still, I fear that a biased media will regard any legitimate inquiries as  “partisan bashing.”



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