Hello Houston, We’ve Got a Problem: Feds Bust NASA Scientist With Child Porn on Work Computer

Alfred B. Schultz/ photo ssed
Alfred B. Schultz/ photo ssed

Not a good way to start the New Year.

By Van Smith
Baltimore City Paper

The first criminal case of 2009 out of the Greenbelt office of the Maryland U.S. Attorney’s Office accuses Alfred B. Schultz, a scientist with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), with looking at child pornography on a NASA computer last August. A criminal information–a document filed when a defendant in a case has waived indictment–was filed in federal court against Schultz on Jan. 5.
“I don’t know what happened,” Schultz tells City Paper in a Jan. 8 phone conversation about the accusation. “They said I looked at porn sites, and I don’t remember doing it. I may have done some of it, but I don’t remember.”
Schultz says he first learned of the investigation during the first week of December. He says he has a lawyer and is going to see the prosecutor in mid-February.
He also says he has talked to family members about the charges.
“They think I may have been depressed for about a year now,” he says. “I’m going to try to straighten this out. I’m going to see a psychiatrist.”
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