Book on Whitey Bulger: He Ranted Against Obama and Offered to be Executed

By Allan Lengel

A new biography on mobster James “Whitey” Bulger reveals some interesting tidbits about the one-time fugitive accused of killing 19 people.

The Boston Globe reports that the book,   “WHITEY BULGER: AMERICA’S MOST WANTED GANGSTER AND THE MANHUNT THAT BROUGHT HIM TO JUSTICE” by Globe staff writers Kevin Cullen and Shelley Murphy says that he’s brooding in his cell while awaiting trial, but he’s told friends he’s looking forward to “the big show,” a reference to his pending trial. Reporters Kevin Cullen and Shelley Murphy report that he feels tortured by the cramped quarters and isolation.

The book also reports that Bulger was prepared to work out an arrangement where he would agreed to be executed if the feds would let his girlfriend Catherine Greig go free, according to the Globe.

“I never loved anyone like I do her and offered my life [execution] if they would free her — but no they want me to suffer — they know this is the worst punishment for me by hurting her!” Bulger wrote to a friend last year. 

Meanwhile,  Howie Carr of the Boston Herald reported that  a new biography on Bulger:  “Whitey: The Life of America’s Most Notorious Mob Boss“, suggested that Bulger’s ranting against President Obama may have had something to do with his capture.

According to the book by veteran Boston reporters Dick Lehr and Gerard O’Neill.,  Bulger and his girlfriend  had been living in Santa Monica, Calif., as “Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gasko,”  and Greig had become close to Icelandic model Anna Bjornsdottir, who lived near them.

The book says that  Bjornsdottir and Whitey never spoke again after she “unabashedly” expressed admiration for the first black president, the Globe reported.
The book stated:

“He practically exploded … disgusted that she could admire a black man as president … Nothing was the same after. Whitey gave Anna the cold shoulder, would not even respond when she said hello to him. Anna Bjornsdottir, meanwhile, would not forget the old man’s sudden rage — or his angry, cold glare.”

The book reported that Bjornsdottir recognized Bulger after seeing a report on CNN. Days later, Bulger and his girlfriend were captured.


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