It’s nauseating to say the least to see how spineless our Washington lawmakers are, how fearful they are when it comes to standing up to the NRA and the people who insist that universal background checks are too intrusive and assault weapons are necessary to own.
The Newtown shootings should have been enough to give lawmakers the backbone to stand up.
No, the Gabby Giffords shootings should have been enough.
No, the Aurora movie theater shootings should have been enough.
No, the Virginia Tech shootings should have been enough.
No, the Columbine shootings should have been enough.
You get the point, nothing, not dead high school kids, not dead elementary school kids, not a dead federal judge, nothing will move some of our lawmakers.
Granted, banning assault rifles at this point won’t instantly remove them from circulation. But we have to start somewhere, and banning assault rifles will eventually make them much harder to get. And the universal background checks, well, that’s another no brainer. Currently, about 40% of guns purchased from places other than licensed gun dealer (like collectors and guns shows) do not require background checks. That would change under a new proposal in Washington that is under intense debate.
I’m afraid we’re missing the window of opportunity to enact some tougher gun laws. No, I’m not advocating taking away guns. But we need change. Now. Not after 10 more tragedies involving unstable people.
In most societies, the senseless, mass deaths of kids is enough to make politicians respond.
Apparently, not in this society.
Which really really worries me.
If dead children doesn’t do it, what will?