Judge Rules Whitey Bulger Can’t Use Immunity Defense

Whitey Bulger
John R. Ellement
Boston Globe Staff
BOSTON — US District Court Judge Denise J. Casper dealt a major setback to James “Whitey” Bulger’s defense strategy, ruling that the South Boston mobster cannot claim during his trial that federal law enforcement officials immunized him from prosecution.

“The government’s motion to preclude Bulger from arguing his claim of immunity to the jury as a defense at trial…is allowed,’’ Casper wrote in a 31-page ruling released this morning. “The Court has determined that the issue of immunity is not an issue for the jury.’’

Through his attorneys, Bulger has argued that a now-deceased federal prosecutor, Jeremiah O’Sullivan, allowed him to commit crimes in return for working with federal law enforcement. Bulger’s lawyers have claimed that Bulger was not an FBI informant, an assertion that federal prosecutors have ridiculed as false.

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