How Did Kidnappers of 3 Ohio Women Elude Detection for So Long? Authorities Investigating

Steve Neavling

Investigators are questioning how three Ohio women were held in captivity for a decade inside a Cleveland house without being detected.

As authorities arrested three brothers in the kidnapping Tuesday, investigators are talking to neighbors to see what, if anything, people have heard or seen at the house, Reuters reports.

Cleveland Mayor Frank Johnson defended local authorities, responding to unfounded accusations that neighbors had alerted the suspicious activity to police, the Tribune wrote.

The women were freed Monday evening after one of them alerted a neighbor.

One thought on “How Did Kidnappers of 3 Ohio Women Elude Detection for So Long? Authorities Investigating

  1. Watching this sad even unfold I was struck by the comments of the LEOs involved…talking about never giving up, etc. etc.

    Seems to me that the cops in Cleveland ought not be too visible during this time. There are lots of questions that need to be answered.

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