Columnist Thinks Bush Should Pardon Scooter Libby

Scooter Libby/msnbc photo
Scooter Libby/msnbc photo

By Clarice Feldman
American Thinker

If the President hasn’t already pardoned Lewis (Scooter) Libby, I beg him to reconsider and do so, for Libby is an innocent man.
Most of what people believe about the Scooter Libby case was proven wrong at trial. Many wrongly believe: 1) Libby leaked the CIA employment of Valerie Plame; and 2) he then lied to cover his leaking.
But Libby was acquitted of the only charge before the jury that he leaked her identity to reporters and lied about it. In fact, the evidence at trial showed Libby did not disclose Plame’s identity to reporters Robert Novak (Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage and CIA spokesman Bill Harlow did that), or Bob Woodward (Armitage, again), Walter Pincus (White House Spokesman Ari Fleischer did) or Matt Cooper (Karl Rove did that one).
For Full Column

Editor’s Note: Feldman, a D.C. attorney,  also wrote on Wednesday to dispute Scott Horton’s column below. She said: “Libby had nothing to do with Rich’s pardon. Years before he’d advised Rich on a tax matter. Period.”

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