The Libyan government is barring the FBI from arresting suspects in last year’s deadly terror attack on the U.S. that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi, CNN reports.
A top State Department official delivered the news to the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday.
Republicans expressed shock that no one has been brought to justice, especially since federal authorities have already filed charges against suspects in connection with the attack.
“Not one terrorist perpetrator has been captured or killed, despite the president saying that this was his highest priority,” said Rep. Ed Royce, the panel’s Republican chairman.
Some Republicans noted that a CNN reporter interviewed the suspected leader of the attack.
“After a year, we can’t find these people but yet a CNN reporter can go to Benghazi at a hotel, at a coffee shop and have coffee with the suspected ringleader of (of this group) indicted by our government,” Rep. Ted Poe said. “Maybe the FBI ought to just ask the CNN reporter `how did you get a hold of this guy?'”