U.S. Senate to Vote Soon on Extending Ban on Guns That Evade Metal Detectors, X-Ray Machines

An ORDbot Quantum 3D printer
Steve Neavling

The increasing use of 3-D printers has made it easier for people to make plastic weapons that can evade metal detectors and X-ray machines, the Associated Press reports.

The U.S. House responded by passing a bill that would renew the 25-year-old prohibition against plastic firearms by a decade.

After returning from a two-week Thanksgiving recess Monday, the Senate may vote on the bill that day.

But many gun groups are opposed.

“They’ve just spent all year trying to effectively destroy the gun lobby,” Mike Hammond, legislative counsel of the the conservative Gun Owners of America, said of Democrats. “So why in heaven’s name, given this intransigence, should we give them this Christmas present?”

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