Congressional Leaders Call on FBI, Others to Investigate 5-Year-Old Peace Corps Murder in Africa

Kate Puzey (left), photo from
Steve Neavling 

Investigators haven’t made much headway in the brutal murder of a Peace Corps volunteer after she claimed a local Peace Corps employee was sexually assaulting girls where she worked in the West African country of Benin five years ago, reports.

On Thursday, 184 members of Congress from both sides of the aisle signed a letter urging the federal government, including the FBI, to “make every effort to devote every resource to achieve justice for Kate Puzey.”

The 24-year-old Georgia resident was murdered on March 12, 2009.

“It continues the visibility of the case in the eyes of the people that need not to lose sight of the tragedy,” said Sen. Johnny Isakson, R-GA, a co-author of the letter and advocate for the Puzey family.

The letter was addressed to the FBI, Department of State and Inspector General of the Peace Corps.


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