Opinion: A Lot of Blame to Go Around on Issue Surrounding Central American Immigrants

By Desert Sun Editorial Board
Desert Sun

The protests in Murrieta that turned away buses full of undocumented women and children last week is not a chapter in the long story of immigration of which to be proud.

There’s lots of blame to go around.

President Obama deserves some for over-promising the message that refugees from Central America can seek citizenship in the United States.

Congress deserves some for failing to provide the resources to secure the border and reform national immigration policy.

The Department of Homeland Security deserves some for bringing the immigrants to Murrieta’s U.S. Customs and Border Protection Station at all. This is a place where drug dealers are dealt with. There is no dorm and no dining hall. Federal officials should have known that.

Murrieta Mayor Alan Long deserves some for politicizing the event.

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