Columnist: Texas Wasting Time Sending National Guard Troops to Mexico Border

By EJ Montini
Arizona Republic

In a wildly popular political move Texas Gov. Rick Perry announced that he will deploy about 1,000 Texas National Guard troops to the Mexico border, a decision that will cost the state about $12 million a month. Perry also has said that he would commit $1.3 million each week to the state’s Department of Public Safety to assist in border security.

It’s a bold, expensive step, but the border hawks will love it.

There’s only one problem.

It makes no sense.

The Perry plan might have a grain of practicality if the people crossing the border actually wanted to evade capture.

But it’s just the opposite.

Any number of news reports have pointed out that the overwhelming majority of kids involved in the massive wave of unaccompanied child migrants from Central America crossing into the United States are not trying to elude the border patrol.

Instead, they want to be caught.

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