A Number of Women Landing Top Spots at Homeland Security

Dep. Sec. Jane Holl Lute
Dep. Sec. Jane Holl Lute

By Allan Lengel
WASHINGTON — Though law enforcement is still often considered a “boys club”, women are landing a number of top spots at the Department of Homeland Security.

Rich Cooper, a columnist for Security DeBrief, has compiled an impressive list of woman holding top spots besides Homeland Secretary Janet Napolitano.

“While I’ve not gone through the other Cabinet Departments to compare how many women are in some of their most senior leadership positions, at DHS the facts speak for themselves,” Cooper writes.

Here’s the list he compiled:
Janet Napolitano, Secretary, DHS
Janet Lute, Deputy Secretary, DHS
Jan Lesher, Chief of Staff for Operations
Elaine Duke, Under Secretary for Management
Vice Admiral Vivien S. Crea, Vice Commandant of the United States Coast Guard
Dr. Tara O’Toole, Under Secretary for Science & Technology, DHS (nominee)
Juliette Kayyem Assistant Secretary, Office of Intergovernmental Programs
Gale Rossides, (Acting) Administrator, Transportation Security Administration
Chani W. Wiggins, Assistant Secretary, Legislative Affairs
Sue Ramanathan, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Legislative Affairs
Connie Patrick, Director, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC)
Mary Ellen Callahan, Chief Privacy Officer
Dora Schriro, Special Advisor on Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Detention & Removal

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