ACLU and Muslims Sue FBI For Spying at Calif. Mosque

By Allan Lengel

The ACLU and a Muslim group filed a lawsuit Tuesday in Los Angeles federal court against the FBI and seven of its agents, alleging that a paid bureau informant violated the constitutional rights of hundreds of Muslims when he infiltrated a California mosque and indiscriminately conducted surveillance, the Washington Post reported.

The lawsuit focuses on informant Craig Monteilh. The suit alleged that he was ordered by his FBI handlers to spy on the group, the Post reported.

The suit seeks class action status and unspecified damages, the Post reported.

“The FBI should be spending its time and resources investigating actual threats, not spying on every American who happens to worship at a mosque,” Peter Bibring, a staff attorney for the ACLU of Southern California said, according to the Post.

FBI officials declined comment, according to the Post.

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