Afghan Prez’s Brother Claims DEA Note Shows “I am Innocent”

afghanistan mapBy Allan Lengel

Ahmed Wali Karzai, brother of the Afghan president, claims a DEA note he has proves he’s an innocent man, the Washington Post reports.

The DEA says that ain’t necessarily so.

Ahmed Karzai, long rumored to be getting rich off Afghanistan’s opium trade said of the DEA letter, according to the Post:

“I think it’s wonderful. I always mentioned that I am innocent. Fortunately, now I have proof.”

But DEA spokesman Rusty Payne says the DEA, responding to a letter by Karzai’s attorney for information about his client, said it simply found no file identifying Karzai as subject of a DEA probe, the Post reported.

“This correspondence should not be construed as confirmation or denial of any ongoing investigation, simply that an administrative search did not identify Mr. Karzai as the target of an investigation,” Payne told the Post. “It is DEA’s policy not to confirm or deny any ongoing investigations.”

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