AG Holder: New Recording Policy Intended to Protect Suspects and Federal Law Enforcement

Steve Neavling

A new policy to require federal agents to electronically record statements while suspects are in custody is intended to protect both suspects and law enforcement, Attorney General Eric Holder said in a video posted by the Justice Department Thursday.

“Federal agents and prosecutors throughout the nation are firmly committed to due process in their rigorous and evenhanded enforcement of the law,” Holder said. “This new recording policy not only reaffirms our steadfast commitment to these ideals – it will provide verifiable evidence that our words are matched by our deeds. And it will help to strengthen the robust and fair system of justice upon which all Americans depend — and which every American deserves.”

The policy, which has exceptions and goes into effect July 11, applies to the FBI, ATF, DEA and U.S. Marshals Services.

The new policy “will ensure that we have an objective account of key investigations and interactions with people who are held in federal custody” and “allow us to document that detained individuals are afforded their constitutionally protected rights,” Holder said.

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