Appeals Court to Decide Whether Mich. Militia Members Go Free

Hutaree members/southern poverty law center photo
Hutaree members/southern poverty law center photo
By Allan Lengel

The U.S. Court of Appeals could rule as early as Friday whether to overturn or uphold a Detroit federal judge’s order to release nine members of the Hutaree Christian militia on bond pending trial. They are charged with plotting to kill cops to foment revolt against the government.

The Detroit News reported that the court on Thursday temporarily put on hold the release of the the militia members pending a ruling on the matter just as they were about to go free. The government wants the  militia members to remain locked up, saying they pose a danger to the community.

U.S. District Judge Victoria A. Roberts, who ordered them released,  says she doesn’t buy that they’re a danger to the community, and has raised questions about the strength of the case.


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