Appeals Court Upholds Multi-Million $$ Judgments Against Feds in Whitey Bulger Murders

By Allan Lengel

Payday may be getting closer for families who had relatives who fell victim to Boston mobster James “Whitey” Bulger.

The Associated Press reports that a federal appeals court has upheld multi-million dollar judgments against the government in the deaths of three people supposedly murdered by Bulger, who sits behind bars now after being the on lam for 16 years.

AP reported that the court on Friday “upheld awards of $1.3 million, $350,000 and $1.1 million for the families of Debra Davis, Deborah Hussey and Louis Litif, respectively.”

AP reported that the higher court echoed the sentiments of the trial judge, who found the FBI was reckless in using Bulger and fellow mobster Stephen “The Rifleman” Flemmi as snitches while protecting them from prosecution. Bulger is accused of 19 murders.


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