Are FBI Terror Tactics Just?

By Danny Fenster

Undoubtedly the public has been grateful when terrorist plots have been foiled by the FBI. But some are questioning the tactics, not just asking if the ends justify the means but if the means are creating false ends, reports The Guardian.

“Critics say the FBI is running a sting operation across America, targeting – to a large extent – the Muslim community by luring people into fake terror plots,” reads the Guardian article. The FBI sends informants to “trawl through Muslim communities,” spending time at mosques and community centers talking about radical Islam in an attempt to identify possible sympathizers, the paper reports.

“Most of these suspect terrorists had no access to weapons unless the government provided them. I would say that showed they were not the biggest threat to the US,” Mike German, a former FBI agent who worked in counter-terrorism but is now employed by the American Civil Liberties Union, told the paper.

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