Arkansas Teen Pleads Guilty in Plot to Kill Pres. Obama During Campaign

Haskell was upset about Obama's election
white house photo
white house photo
By Allan Lengel

A 19-year-old white supremacist from Arkansas pleaded guilty Thursday in Tennessee federal court  to charges of plotting to kill President Obama during the 2008 presidential campaign, the Associated Press reported.

AP reported that Paul Schlesselman of Helena-West Helena, Ark., pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy, one count of threatening to kill and harm a presidential candidate and one count of possessing a firearm in furtherance of a crime of violence. He faces up to 10 years in prison.  His plot allegedly also included plans to kill black students.

His co-defendant, white supremacist Daniel Cowart, 21, of Bells, Tenn., remains in custody and is awaiting a Feb. 22 trial. Both men were arrested in October 2008.

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