You’d think Clifford Dean Posey, an ATF agent, would have known of the old adage: Crime doesn’t pay. Apparently not.
Posey, 43, of Chesapeake, Va., was sentenced Friday in Richmond, Va., to three years and one month in prison for stealing guns and cigarettes from ATF and selling them. The crimes began in 2007, authorities said.
He pleaded guilty in April to wire fraud, embezzlement, possessing or receiving stolen firearms, making a false statement and money laundering.
“When he became an ATF agent, Clifford Posey took an oath to uphold the law,” U.S. Attorney Timothy J. Heaphy said in a statement. “Mr. Posey selfishly violated his oath and used his law enforcement power for personal gain. The law became an instrument of his greed, rather than a shield for those he was sworn to protect.”