ATF official Tom Brandon: No New Stings Underway After Botched Operations

Tom Brandon/atf photo
By John Diedrich and Raquel Rutledge
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

WASHINGTON — After running nearly 40 undercover storefront stings in the last five years, the ATF’s deputy director says no such operations are now underway and that improvements in oversight have been made in the wake of botched operations nationwide.

Deputy Director Thomas E. Brandon testified Thursday before the House Judiciary’s Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations, and acknowledged significant deficiencies in undercover storefront stings saying there was no justification for having the wrong people charged, as happened in Milwaukee, or the lack of outside cover teams to ensure armed felons didn’t leave.

He called locating an undercover gun-buying operation in Portland, Ore., across the street from a middle school “a mistake” and said it “wasn’t great judgment” for agents there to pay two teens to get tattoos depicting the fake storefront’s logo of a giant squid smoking a joint.

He said the young men requested the tattoos — testimony that conflicts with the account of events described in court by the prosecuting attorney.

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Read Tom Brandon’s statement


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