ATF Will Decide Whether To Launch Probes in Wake of NY Undercover Gun Buying Spree


By Allan Lengel
WASHINGTON — The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) said it will review whether to take criminal action as a result of findings by the New York City’s mayors office, which had undercover investigators buy weapons from unlicensed dealers at gun shows in Nevada, Ohio and Tennessee.

“ATF has received the ‘Report on Illegal Sales at Gun Shows’ by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and is reviewing it along with the Department of Justice,” ATF said in a statement. “ATF did not participate in the operation conducted at the gun shows highlighted in the report, but will assess the need to initiate any criminal invesigations.”

The mayor’s report, which was released last week,  said undercover investigators bought guns from unlicensed dealers after they disclosed that they probably could not have passed a background check.

Read Mayor’s Gun Report

Read Article on Undercover Probe

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