David Ogden Possible Pick For No. 2 Spot in Atty. Gen. Office

It could be an obvious pick considering he’s already involved with the Obama team. We’ll know soon enough.

By Joe Palazzolo
Legal Times
David Ogen/law firm photo
David Ogden/law firm photo
WASHINGTON — With congressional pressure mounting, the short list for the Department of Justice’s No. 2. position appears to be getting shorter all the time.
President-elect Barack Obama’s transition staff has declined to discuss potential Justice nominees, or even reveal who on the transition team is mustering names. But Washington lawyers have been speculating for weeks that Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr’s David Ogden, who is heading the Justice Department transition team, is the likely pick for deputy attorney general. One Washington lawyer close to the transition says his nomination is all but assured.
Elena Kagan, dean of Harvard Law School, has also been named as a possibility, though many say the position would be an odd fit. Denied a hearing by Republicans after President Bill Clinton nominated her to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in 1999, Kagan has re-emerged as a potential Supreme Court pick for Obama.
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