Atty. Gen. Eric Holder Leads Candlelight Vigil for Fallen Law Enforcement Officers and Agents

photo by Allan Lengel/

By Allan Lengel
WASHINGTON — On a perfect spring night, with temperatures hovering in the 60s, U.S. Atty. Gen. Eric Holder lead a candle light vigil for thousands of law enforcement officers and family members who gathered Wednesday night in Washington to commemorate the passing of 387  officers and federal agents killed in the line of duty.

“As we dedicate these 387 names to the walls of this Memorial we reflect on the brave men and women who gave their lives to protect our safety and to defend our freedoms,” Holder said as he stood at the National Law Enforcement Memorial near the FBI Washington Field Office and D.C. Police headquarters.

Of those officers, 133 were killed in 2008.

The candlelight vigil is an annual ritual during Police Week, which runs through this week. The event attracts law enforcement officers from around the country.

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