Atty. Gen. Holder Announces Funds to Help Local Law Enforcement Fight the Drug War Along U.S.-Mexico Border

border-fence-photo3By Allan Lengel

Fighting an uphill battle, and acknowledging the daunting task before him,   Atty. Gen. Eric Holder Jr. announced on Wednesday in Los Angeles a $8.7 million grant to help local law enforcement in California  fight the deadly drug war along the U.S.-Mexico border.

“We are intensifying our efforts to investigate, extradite, prosecute and punish the cartel leaders and their henchman,” Holder said at a press conference after holding a round table discussion with officials from the DEA, FBI, ATF, ICE and U.S. Marshals.

Holder said in coming days the Justice Dept. will announce nearly $30 million more grants to support local law enforcement agencies in California and four other states.

He said the funding would “help to ensure that our fight against the cartels is tough and smart.”

“The Mexican cartels are sophisticated criminal enterprises with billion dollar budgets,” Holder said. “But today’s round table discussion confirms my confidence  that we have the tools and capacity to defeat them.”

To Read the Full Text of His Speech click HERE

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