Atty. Gen. Holder Appoints D.C. and Baltimore U.S. Attys to Probe National Security Leaks

Ron Machen Jr./doj photo
By Allan Lengel

Attorney General Eric Holder assigned the U.S. Attorneys from D.C. and Baltimore to launch criminal probes into national security leaks to members of the media.

In a press release issued Friday, Holder said D.C. U.S. Attorney Ron Machen and Baltimore U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein will lead the probes.

The leaks center around the the disrupted bomb plot by al Qaeda and a New York Times story about the U.S. cyberattack program targeting the Iranian nuclear program.

“These two highly-respected and experienced prosecutors will be directing separate investigations currently being conducted by the FBI,” Holder said. “I have every confidence in their abilities to doggedly follow the facts and the evidence in the pursuit of justice, wherever it leads.”

One thought on “Atty. Gen. Holder Appoints D.C. and Baltimore U.S. Attys to Probe National Security Leaks

  1. Anyone check to see if Patrick Fitzgerald was bored just contemplating retirement? He said that whatever he wound up doing, it would likely be public service. He’d be just the guy to take this case on… Oh, wait a minute, they don’t really want to get to the bottom of this do they? Strike Fitzgerald, he’d be too good for the job

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