Is New York Times best selling author Ronald Kessler a little paranoid or just a little more important in the eyes of the FBI than the average Joe?
Kessler, author of “The Secrets of the FBI”, tells Politico there’s “about a hundred percent chance that both his house and car are bugged.”
“When I was doing interviews at the FBI, my tape recorder battery died. They gave me a new one and I said, ‘of course, this is bugged?’” Like the rest of his electronic devices, it probably was, Politico reported.
Still, Kessler maintains, the FBI is not concerned with “average Joes,” but is rather “focused on real terrorists.”Kessler concedes in the interview with Politico of J. Edgar Hoover’s transgressions, but still maintains respect for the great things he did for the FBI.
Kessler showed some ambivalence towards the upcoming Clint Eastwood movie on Hoover, reported on ticklethewire on many occasions. The movie expected to suggest Hoover was carrying on a romantic affair with his right hand man Clyde Tolson.
Kessler says Hoover was not a crossdresser, but did have a “spousal relationship” with Clyde Tolson, whether that was sexual or not.
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