Biker Charged in Buffalo With Sending Threatening Text Messages

By Allan Lengel
It’s probably beyond dispute that Ronald Blair, a New York state motorcycle gang member, was not the most artful of text messagers.

For example, court records say on Feb. 11 at 4:38 a.m., he wrote to the brother of a rival biker: “I’m coming over with a 2 club bros. want to know where jimmigy lives. bottom line. f—.”

Later in the day he wrote: “Tell him to call a doctor.boy.” and “Sorr   y to be you. f—.”

What is in dispute is how menacing those messages were.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Buffalo has filed a four-count indictment charging Blair, 39,of the Kingsmen motorcycle club, with conveying a “threat to injure” through text messages.

The Buffalo News quoted his lawyer as saying the feds “should be ashamed of prosecuting” such a case.

Read Biker Indictment

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