Blago Defense Complains Prosecutors Finishing Case Too Soon: “A Fair Trial is Destroyed”

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By Allan Lengel

Sometimes judges complain to federal prosecutors that their case is dragging on too long. But in Chicago, in U.S. District Court, there’s a bit of different twist.

The defense for ex-Ill. Gov. Rod Blagojevich is complaining that prosecutors are moving far too quickly in trial and will finish presenting their case this week, far ahead of schedule.

The defense is now scrambling, trying to get a hold of witnesses they thought they wouldn’t need until August, the Chicago Sun-Times reports.

“A fair trial is destroyed,” Blagojevich attorney Sam Adam Sr. told reporters outside the courtroom Monday, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. “We told our witnesses we’d be in touch late August. All of a sudden, the government cuts their case short . . . They misled us. They misled the court.”

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